Ana Sayfa > 7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı > 7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41 MEB Yayınları

İngilizce Öğretmeni

7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Biographies Metni Etkinlik Cevapları Sayfa 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41

7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Biographies Metni Etkinlik Cevapları

“7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41 MEB Yayınları”

7. Sınıf İngilizce Kitabı Sayfa 34-35-36-37-38-39-40-41

1. Listen to the words/phrases and repeat.

1. Kelimeleri/cümleleri dinleyin ve tekrarlayın.

Cevap :

  1. be born – doğmak
  2. move – taşınmak, hareket etmek
  3. win a prize – ödül kazanmak
  4. alone – yalnız
  5. chemistry – kimya
  6. grow up – büyümek
  7. graduate – mezun olmak
  8. brilliant – parlak, zeki
  9. medicine – tıp, ilaç
  10. get married – evlenmek

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 35 Cevapları

2. Answer the questions. 

2. Soruları cevaplayın.

1. Are you interested in science? Why?/Why not?

Cevap : Yes, I am interested in science because it helps us understand the world and solve interesting questions.

2. Which scientists do you know?

Cevap : I know scientists like Albert Einstein and Isaac Newton.

3. Listen to the text and tick the years you hear. 

3. Metni dinleyin ve duyduğunuz yılları işaretleyin.

Cevap :

  • () a. 1935 (
  • ✔) b. 1946
  • (✔) c.1969
  • (✔) d. 1971
  • (✔) e. 1963
  • (✔) f. 1984
  • () g. 1957
  • (✔) h. 2015

4. Listen to the text again and complete the chart. 

4. Metni tekrar dinleyin ve tabloyu tamamlayın.

Cevap :

  • Name: Aziz SANCAR
  • Date of Birth: September 8, 1946
  • Place of Birth: Savur, Mardin, Turkey
  • Profession: Scientist (Nobel laureate in chemistry)
  • Marriage: Married to Gwen BOLES in 1984.
  • Awards: Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his work on DNA repair (2015)

5. Listen to the text again and put the statements in the correct order. 

5. Metni tekrar dinleyin ve ifadeleri doğru sıraya koyun.

Cevap :

  • (7) He got married to Gwen BOLES in 1984.
  • (8) He won the Nobel Prize on DNA repair in 2015.
  • (2) He learned reading and writing when he was 5.
  • (4) He moved to İstanbul alone to study medicine.
  • (5) He graduated from İstanbul University in 1969.
  • (1) Aziz SANCAR was born on September 8, 1946.
  • (6) In 1971, he won a fellowship and went to America.
  • (3) He grew up in Mardin and stayed there until 1963.

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 36 Cevapları

6. Match the years and dates. There is an extra one. 

6. Yılları ve tarihleri ​​eşleştirin. Fazladan bir tane daha var.

Cevap :

  1. 1807 – d. Eighteen oh seven
  2. 29 October, 1923 – a. The twenty-ninth of October, nineteen twenty-three
  3. 1985 – b. Nineteen eighty-five
  4. 19 May, 1919 – e. May, the nineteenth, nineteen nineteen
  5. 2015 – c. Two thousand and fifteen
  6. 2005 – f. Two thousand and five

7. Write the dates. 

7. Tarihleri ​​yazın.

Cevap :

  1. September 25, 2019 – September twenty-fifth, two thousand nineteen
  2. January 20, 1993 – January twentieth, nineteen ninety-three
  3. April 12, 1805 – April twelfth, eighteen oh five
  4. June 2, 1600 – June second, sixteen hundred
  5. February 5, 1983 – February fifth, nineteen eighty-three

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 37 Cevapları

8. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions. Complete the charts.

8. Çiftler halinde çalışın. Soruları sor ve cevapla. Grafikleri tamamla.

Cevap :

“7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 36 Cevapları”

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 38 Cevapları

9. Answer the questions. 

9. Soruları cevaplayın.

1. Do you like flying? Why?

Cevap : I like flying. I think it’s very impreesive.

2. Who invented the first airplane?

Cevap : The first powered airplane in history was invented by American brothers Orville Wright and Willbur Wright.

10. Read the text and choose the photos about the text. 

10. Metni okuyun ve metinle ilgili fotoğrafları seçin.

Cevap :

  • b – d – e

11. Read the text again and write the titles in the correct places. 

11. Metni tekrar okuyunuz ve başlıkları doğru yerlere yazınız.

Cevap :

1- A flying man in İstanbul
2- Flight in a hot air balloon
3- A steam engine turned into a zeppelin
4- Turning point in the history of flight

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 39 Cevapları

12. Read the text again and match the statements with the dates and years. There is an extra one.

12. Metni tekrar okuyun ve ifadeleri tarih ve yıllarla eşleştirin. Fazladan bir tane daha var.

Cevap :

  • 1- a
  • 2- e
  • 3- b
  • 4- c
  • 5- d

13. Tell Aşık Veysel’s biography to your classmates. Use the information below. 

13. Aşık Veysel’in biyografisini sınıf arkadaşlarınıza anlatın. Aşağıdaki bilgileri kullanın.

Cevap :

Life of Âşık Veysel Şatıroğlu

After his siblings contracted smallpox, which was very common at that time, Âşık Veysel also fell ill with smallpox and lost his eyesight. After losing his sight, Âşık Veysel began playing the saz, performing songs by other poets. He met Ahmet Kutsi Tecer, the Director of National Education, at a poetry night organized by Mr. Tecer. With the support he received, Âşık Veysel began traveling to many cities. Despite his blindness, his remarkable use of language and beautiful works gained him significant attention and love among the public.

Âşık Veysel is considered one of the last representatives of the minstrel tradition. For a period, he taught bağlama to children at Village Institutes. In 1965, he was granted a pension by a special law. Many famous singers arranged Âşık Veysel’s verses, contributing to his recognition. He was influenced by and interpreted works from folk poets such as Yunus Emre, Pir Sultan Abdal, Karacaoğlan, Emrah, and Dadaloğlu.

Âşık Veysel was married twice and had seven children. He traveled across Anatolia, performing his poems with his saz. He passed away in 1973 from lung cancer. After his death, his complete works were republished. Every year, festivals are held in his name in Şarkışla.

Literary Personality

Âşık Veysel’s language in his works is simple. His technique is devoid of showiness and can be considered flawless. Joy of life and sorrow, optimism and despair are intertwined in his poems. He also has poems that subtly criticize nature, social events, religion, and politics. He masterfully used language. His poems are collected in the books “Deyişler” (1944), “Sazımdan Sesler” (1950), and “Dostlar Beni Hatırlasın” (1970).

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 40 Cevapları

14. Read the timeline of İdil Biret. 

14. İdil Biret’in zaman çizelgesini okuyun.

Cevap :

İdil Biret was born in Ankara on November 21, 1941.

She began taking piano lessons at the age of five.

In 1948, the Turkish parliament sent her to study.

At the age of 16, she became a soloist with the most brilliant orchestras.

On November 22, 1963, she had her first concert at Symphony Hall in Boston.

7. Sınıf İngilizce MEB Yayınları Ders Kitabı Sayfa 41 Cevapları

Write a biography of İdil Biret according to Activity 14.

Etkinlik 14’e göre İdil Biret’in biyografisini yazınız.

Cevap :

İdil Biret: A Prodigy’s Journey

Early Life and Education

İdil Biret was born on November 21, 1941, in Ankara, Turkey. Recognized as a musical prodigy at a young age, she displayed extraordinary talent on the piano. Her precocious abilities led to her receiving formal music education early on. At the age of seven, she was awarded a special government scholarship, allowing her to pursue studies in Paris, a center of classical music excellence.

Studying in Paris

In Paris, Biret’s potential was nurtured under the tutelage of renowned musicians. She studied at the Paris Conservatory, one of the most prestigious music schools in the world. Her mentors included legendary figures such as Nadia Boulanger, who provided rigorous training in composition and theory, and Alfred Cortot, from whom she received invaluable piano instruction. Another key mentor was Wilhelm Kempff, whose influence on her interpretative skills was profound.

Career Beginnings

Biret’s debut at the age of 16 with the Boston Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Erich Leinsdorf marked the beginning of her illustrious career. Her early performances were characterized by a blend of technical mastery and deep musical insight, which quickly garnered her international acclaim.

International Acclaim

Throughout her career, İdil Biret has performed with some of the world’s most esteemed orchestras, including the London Symphony Orchestra, the Leningrad Philharmonic, and the Tokyo Philharmonic. Her collaborations with prominent conductors such as Pierre Monteux, Aaron Copland, and Rafael Kubelik have been particularly noteworthy.

Recording Career

Biret’s extensive discography is a testament to her versatility and dedication to the art of piano performance. She has recorded the complete piano works of Frédéric Chopin, Johannes Brahms, and Sergei Rachmaninoff, among others. Her interpretations are celebrated for their emotional depth, technical brilliance, and adherence to the composers’ intentions.

Honors and Awards

Biret’s contributions to music have been recognized with numerous honors and awards. She has received the Légion d’Honneur, France’s highest order of merit, for her services to the arts. Additionally, she has been awarded honorary doctorates and numerous international prizes, reflecting her status as one of the leading pianists of her generation.

Legacy and Influence

İdil Biret’s influence extends beyond her performances and recordings. She has also been a dedicated teacher, imparting her knowledge and experience to younger generations of pianists. Her masterclasses are highly regarded, and she continues to inspire aspiring musicians around the world.

Recent Activities

Even in her later years, İdil Biret remains active in the music world. She continues to perform, record, and engage with audiences globally. Her recent projects include recording lesser-known works and collaborating with contemporary composers, showcasing her enduring passion for musical exploration and innovation.


İdil Biret’s journey from a prodigious talent in Ankara to an internationally celebrated pianist is a remarkable story of dedication, artistry, and lifelong commitment to music. Her legacy is not only in her recordings and performances but also in the inspiration she provides to future generations of musicians.

15. Choose a scientist. Do research about his/her life and write a short biography of him/her.

15. Bir bilim insanı seçin. Hayatı hakkında araştırma yapın ve kısa bir biyografisini yazın.

Cevap :

Ibn Sina (Avicenna): A Polymath of the Islamic Golden Age

Early Life and Education

Ibn Sina, also known in the Western world as Avicenna, was born on August 980 in Afshana, near Bukhara in present-day Uzbekistan. His full name was Abu Ali al-Husayn ibn Abd Allah ibn Sina. Born into a family of Persian descent, his father was a respected scholar who provided Ibn Sina with a strong educational foundation. From a young age, Ibn Sina exhibited exceptional intellectual abilities.

Early Achievements

By the age of ten, Ibn Sina had memorized the Quran and was well-versed in Arabic literature. His voracious appetite for knowledge led him to study a wide array of subjects, including logic, natural sciences, and mathematics. Under the guidance of scholars such as Al-Natili, he delved into philosophy and medicine. Remarkably, he began practicing medicine at the age of sixteen and his reputation as a physician spread rapidly.

Major Works and Contributions

Ibn Sina’s contributions to various fields, particularly medicine and philosophy, were monumental. His most famous work, “The Canon of Medicine” (Al-Qanun fi al-Tibb), is a comprehensive medical encyclopedia that systematically compiles the medical knowledge of the time. It was used as a standard medical text in both the Islamic world and Europe for centuries.

In philosophy, his works such as “The Book of Healing” (Kitab al-Shifa) explored topics ranging from logic and ethics to metaphysics. Ibn Sina’s philosophical thoughts were heavily influenced by Aristotle and Neo-Platonic ideas, and he played a crucial role in integrating these ideas with Islamic thought.

Philosophical and Scientific Influence

Ibn Sina’s impact on philosophy was profound. His concept of the “floating man” thought experiment, which aimed to demonstrate self-awareness and the existence of the soul independent of the body, was a significant contribution to metaphysical discussions. His works influenced later Islamic philosophers, such as Al-Ghazali and Averroes (Ibn Rushd), as well as Western scholars during the Scholastic period.

In the realm of science, Ibn Sina made significant strides in understanding diseases and medical treatments. He identified contagious diseases, the spread of infections, and the importance of quarantine. His pharmacological studies included detailed descriptions of numerous drugs and their uses.


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